WinRa1n 1.1 Window Jailbreak Tool 2023 Checkm8 + CheckRa1n 1Click FREE
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WinRa1n 1.1 Window Jailbreak Tool 2023
iOS Jailbreak
No Paswwrod Protected
v1.1 Features
1.The world's only and first checkra1n family bucket on windows
2.Supports iOS 12 to the latest iOS 16.4.1.
3.Compatible with all iPhones, iPads, and iPods with A8 to A11 processors.
4.Integrated with Checkra1n 0.12.4/0.1337.1 and Palera1n v2.0.0 Beta5.
5.Runs on Windows 64-bit versions with Intel/AMD/Arm processors.
6.Supports USB 2.0 to Type-C (DFU mode).
7.Can be run on virtual machines. (checkra1n 0.12.4)
8.Supports Normal/Recovery/DFU modes for exploit booting.
[!]: Load Driver Failed?
[+]: Due to permission issues, environment variable may fail. Please try adding %APPDATA%\WinRa1n\{$replace_current_version}\iTunes to the system environment variable Path. You can use command line, for example: "setx -m PATH "%PATH%C:\Users\Jimmy\AppData\Roaming\WinRa1n\v1.1\iTunes" ("Please check if this directory exists before proceeding.")
1.If A11 devices has been set to passcode, then the device must be restored/erased
2.ikeyPrime 2.0 comes back strong in three days
v1.0 Features
1. Some PCs fail more than 3 times, please use CONFIG2 or USBDK ( to install and restart and try again.
2. If you use type-C, please manually put the device into DFU mode.
3. WinRa1n free for life
4. WinRa1n does not bundle any BYPASS tools to ensure pure and efficient
(if you do not trust, please try in a virtual machine environment, but it is slower and unreliable)
5. If you need iOS15-16 BYPASS service, please wait for next week. (iKey Prime)
6. T2 / iWatch / PaleRa1n will integrate soon...